has completed the examinations prescribed by
the Board of Trustees and has been awarded the
This is to certify that
Certificate in Complaint Handling
Membership number 15237841
Issue date July 1, 2023
Chartered Banker Institute
Chartered Banker Institute
Should you need to verify this certificate, please contact:
Chartered Banker Institute, 2nd Floor, 39 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2HN
Email: info@charteredbanker.com Charitable Body No: SC013927
The Certificate in Complaint Handling is a single-module professional qualification aimed at those managing customer complaints, or supporting this function. It aims to develop the learner’s knowledge, understanding and skills relating to the effective handling and management of complaints in accordance with the complaint handling procedures recommended by the Financial Conduct Authority. The learner will also develop their ability to interact with customers on a personal level to ensure the effective resolution of complaints from a customer perspective as well as the bank’s.
On completion of this module, learners are able to:
1) explain what is meant by, and the significance and impact of, customer complaints
2) describe the structure of, and key organisations in, the financial services industry
3) explain the principles that underpin the fair treatment of customers, and the ways in which vulnerable customers can be
identified and supported
4) describe aspects of legislation and regulation that relate to complaint handling
5) describe the interpersonal skills and models required for the effective resolution of complaints
6) describe the process of root cause analysis and the management information about complaints required to ensure effective record-keeping.
Issued on
July 1, 2023
Expires on
Does not expire